Zero Waste Jam at Erdgespräche today

Ohhhhh, today is a very exciting day! Today it's time for Erdgespräche in Hofburg, Wien. And what's even more exciting - Zero Waste Jam will be presented at Erdgespräche! Zero Waste Jam is exactly what it sounds like - marmalade produced in a Zero Waste way...  Our first intention was to wait another month or so before telling the world about The Good Tribe's new baby, but now that we're invited Erdgespräche... we just had to say YES - and HELLO WORLD!

The Zero Waste Jam test pilot will start in Austria during the summer, and we're currently looking for 1) people who are between 18-35 who want to help us produce the jam and develop Zero Waste Jam's business model, 2) people who are interested in opening up their gardens, Schrebergärten, community gardens etc. and let us pick their fruit and berries for free, which they don't plan to eat themselves.

With these donated fruits and berries we will then make homemade jam and sell at local markets... and perhaps some other places as well. We'll see how things develop.

Zero Waste Jam is a great fun experiment, and we're looking for people who want experiment with us. Besides, we're in serious business, saving the earth - so we've got to have some fun while doing it :)

If you're interested in learning more about the thoughts behind Zero Waste Jam, have a look at our website or email us on whatscooking [a] zerowastejam [dot] com.

Have a great Thursday!

Sweet jam love to you all!  Evelina

Photo: Rupert Pessl