The Good Tribe

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Pre-order MethodKit for Sustainable Development

CardsSusDev The MethodKit for Sustainable Development is a catalysts for strategic conversations and decisions. It helps you develop your organisation, project, product, service or CSR-Initiative to reach new target groups, increase profits - and at the same time harmonise with social and environmental aspects.

MethodKit for Sustainable Development contains 55 engaging illustrated cards. Each card represents an aspect, key issue or method that helps you define and give structure to your sustainability work. This kit is suitable for rookies as well as sustainability experts. You chose how deep you want to dig into each aspect.

The cards are easy and fun to use to approach in-depth discussions and the shift towards sustainable business. The MethodKit for Sustainable Development inspires you to learn and do more for a happy planet.

Now you can pre-order MethodKit for Sustainable Development. Until the release on May 9 2014, you can order the kit for 44 EUR (49 EUR). 

Order here. 

Here you can see how you can use the cards.

Release of MethodKit for Sustainable Development: In English May 8th. In German June 2014.

MethodKit for Sustainable Development is a cooperation between MethodKit and The Good Tribe.